Friday, February 13, 2009

Two Great Days!!!

Man the last two days were great. I spent the bulk of Thursday riding with my partner-supervisor Tim Cummins. I always love it when I get the opportunity to spend time with him. His energy is so contagious it makes you tired. Friday I spent time in the field with my lovely wife Cornelia. Boy it sure was good to have her working with me.

Our first stop Thursday was at a pastors conference at Clarkston International Bible Church. All these international congregations serve the community from one common building. Scheduling is strict but organized. Lunch was provided by Chik-fil-a.We left Clarkston to meet up with our partner in the Peachtree Corners Matt Johns. Last Fall, with the help of our partners from Perimeter, Matt and Tim started new work at Sturbridge Square apartments off of Howell Bridge. Yesterday we met the apartment manager and her staff to firm up a start date for the new mission. They are really strong Christians and are fired up about getting the help. This place is loaded with potential and I am sure that Matt will really be able to advance the Gospel here.
We prayed for the manager and her staff and practically had church in the leasing office. It was really good stuff.

We ended up our day helping Ian and Ruthy North with legistic regarding their ministry site. They are our newest team and serve in one of the more dangerous areas inside the perimeter.

Yesterday Cornelia and I spent all day working in the field. Last Wednesday I was late arriving at the mission. I could hear kids in the mission room loud, wild, and out of control. As I approached the door it was closed and locked. That's never a good sign. I could hear kids saying put it in your book bag man!!! I began to bang on the door. The door opened and the look on the kid's faces was that of "we have been caught." The ring leader was a kid named Oscar. So after talking to him, I told him he could not come back to the mission for one week. Tough love I know, but with these kids you have to be tough sometimes. Unfortunately it looks like they had been coming in the room regularly on days we are not there. Most of our school supplies were gone along with toys and part of our library books. But let's be reminded the reason we are there is because kids and adults like this need Jesus!So Friday morning we went to Home Depot and bought a new dead bolt lock to install on the door. Now we can keep it permanently secured so they can not enter at their will. While I installed the lock and placed the room back in order, Cornelia reorganized our storage space and restocked the shelves with supplies that we store at home. We will try to get our books back, but it might take time to get the guilty kids to fess-up.

Today we have Youth Outreach United, one of our partner organizations, coming to do recreation ministry with the kids. One thing you learn quick in this business is that you can not do it alone. It takes many approaches to win a community to Jesus.

We appreciate all of you that continue to track our progress through this blog. Please pray for us as we continue to serve in a difficult community.

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