So while we are on the subject...let me ask you a question, "How will you be remembered?" Or better than that, "How would you want to be remembered?" On the day you die what would be the one thing your minister would focus on as he speaks of the time between your birth and your death? I believe the greatest thing that could ever be told about anyone would be concerning their friendship and relationship with God. I would be honored if a minister could stand and say “Keith was a friend of God.” I have been told my whole life that I would be known by the company I keep. What a testimony if it could be known that I kept company with God!
If there was ever a man in the Bible it could be said was a friend of the Most High God, it would be Abraham. God always speaks from His perfect knowledge. God says, “Abraham was a friend of mine.” Friendship can be summed up in three words. The words which quickly come to mind are those that measure every friendship. A friend is loyal, trustworthy, and committed. It is that simple. Those words describe what it takes to be a friend to people and it takes the same three words in action to be a real friend of God.
By his willingness to trust God with his life, God held Abraham up as an example of a giant in the faith for us to follow. In other words, his legacy speaks volumes concerning his walk with God. That’s exactly what God desires for us. God’s desire for each of us is that our commitment to Him is more than just Sunday morning, but that it is 24/7. God desires that we live with such a holy passion that every single moment of each day be totally committed to Him.
Today ..."Good Friday," let us remember the friendship our Lord Jesus displayed for us. Despite his trial, harsh treatment, and crucifixion he remained a true friend of mankind to the end. He never once violated his word to die so that we could have a second chance. He remained loyal, trustworthy, and committed to the end.
Take a moment at 3:00 pm this afternoon to remember what he did just for you.