Cornelia and I have been on the road this week meeting with different church mission pastors. We are trying to gain knowledge and create a base of new partners. Hopefully they will see the value of reaching out to the international community and in God's will support our work. The area we work in has 90% if the worlds unreached people groups living there. We are so excited that God has given us such a wonderful opportunity to serve in such critical areas. We pray the he uses us as His instrument to impact people groups of the International Community.
Last week we worked with Broadus Memorial Baptist Church, the last of our mission groups to come this summer. They did a great job and the kids loved them. Cornelia and I just love working with church youth groups because they come on site with such great expectations and anticipation. Thanks to Zach and the group for a job well done.

One of the favorites each day was acting out Bible stories with puppets.

Even the boys got in on the act!!!
Gold Rush!!!!
Also we worked with The Gold Rush Team two weeks ago. 1000 kids serving in 32 locations. Gold rush is one to the largest outreaches in Metro Atlanta each year. We were asked to come to their rally on Tuesday night. It was awesome!!!! Thanks to the staff of Perimeter Church for a great event. The Photo above is the group assigned to one of our missions "Villas Nueva." They were well prepared and hit the ground running. Thanks team for all your hard work.
Teaching sports techniques to the young.

Making bracelets and praying together!!
Face Painting...
Please pray for our work as we continue sharing the Gospel with people of all cultures. We love you all!!!!