I took the day off yesterday to recoup. The past three weeks have been virtually non-stop. Nevertheless I still took time to work on a couple of ministry things. I met with Megan Faircloth. She is going to come on board to help with our after school homework program which we will start to advertise this Wednesday.
Kaitlyn and her friend Vanessa coaxed Cornelia and me into taking them to the Mall of Georgia. Shopping is one of my least favorite things to do...so you know I really love my daughter if she can get me to go shopping.
Late yesterday afternoon we also went and climbed Stone Mountain. Today I feel like I need to take another day off. Fat chance!!! My legs are a little sore , but the view was worth the climb to say nothing of the aerobic value.
Well... we finally made it to the top.The breeze felt awesome.

I had fun taking pictures of the girls and watching them clown around. Looks dangerous don't it? Look at the upper right hand corner of the photo!!!
It takes nerves of steel to look over the steep side of the mountain directly above the memorial carving. No fear Kaitlyn. This photo made her mother brake into a sweat.
This is me and Kaitlyn at sunset. If you look real close you can see Atlanta just behind Kaitlyn's arm.

Wish I could jump like this!!! We had a great time.

Love You All!!!