It's good to know that our Lord is in total control of every aspect of our life.
Recently we have had great ministry happening at Villas Nueva. We continue to work hard to share Jesus. We also wanted you to know that we plan to expand our days of ministry to four or five days instead of two. Our homework help program is going well and we plan to expand the days of operation to Monday - Thursday. We have added an additional ministry. We are now providing art and craft lessons to the residents in combination with a bible study and sharing of the Gospel.
Our public school ministry continues to develop. Currently we have shared the Gospel with over 100 students. We have also built an allegiance with several teachers as well. So far we have not had any substantial objection from school administration and the Lord continues to shield us as we discreetly do our work.
Other items of interest is a Saturday rec programs provided by Youth Outreach United and Parkview Christian Church on alternating Saturdays. We are so grateful to have substantial partners to help us minister.
Please pray that the Lord will bless use spiritually and He will give us the go ahead to expand into the community.
Much Love