Also we received a donation of two additional computers which gives us a total of three. I spent a large part of my day installing computers and rearranging the class room to ready it for next week.
I spoke with Michelle, the manager of Villas Nueva, and she is so glad that we are are there. She has done a great job under a stressful situation. The owners continue to improve conditions for the tenants and renovations continue around the entire complex. Please pray for her as she continues to improve living conditions and upgrade the standard of living there.
The renovations are not only external, but inside the units as well. They maintenance guys are ripping out all of the old toilets and it looks like they are replacing them with low-flow units. This should save the owners thousands of dollars on water bills that hopefully they will use for additional improvements.
Other renovations include replacing rotted retaining walls and other landscape improvements as well. It looks like they are really trying to improve the place.
I was approached by a big muscle-bound Mexican man yesterday. Sometimes when an adult approaches, you can never tell what the reason or motive is. As he approached I gave my usual smile and Hola...como esta greeting. He wasted no time! Thrusting his hand forward toward me, he stuck a cell phone in my face and said in very broken English. You talk!!! I took the phone from his hand and said hello. It was a agent from a temporary service. Evidently he was trying to get a day labor job through a very large communication gap. Finally I was able to gather the name of the hiring contractor, a cell phone number, and address. Alfrado was very thankful and I was relieved that he was just desperate for work.
It was a great start to building a relationship with the adult population at Villas Nueva. Please pray that God will continue to lead us to ministry opportunities, and that we will allow the Holy Spirit to teach us to be patient as we work to share the Gospel with all God's people.
One more thing...Cornelia has gone to work full time to help support our family as I continue to grow the ministry. Pray for her as she is feeling very disconnected from the ministry process. Hopefully we will have our ministry funded soon. She will continue to work on weekends and evening as her schedule allows.
We Love You All!!!