We were so blessed to have a great group of kids from Valley Ranch Baptist Church, who came here all the way from Dallas Texas. They were able to impact over twenty locations all across the International Community. They really worked very hard to develop new work in two apartment complexes that until now had no active work going on. All their efforts will be such a blessing to us as we use the data they provided to expand on their work.
Last year as part of our mission work we were invited to work with the prayer team at "Atlanta Fest." This event is the largest Christian festival of its type in the southeast. We were so blessed this year to be invited back. The founders of this event consider prayer to be the one most important elements of the whole show, and it is even written into every artist's contract.
Much of what we do is focused around the 'Prayer Tent." This is the site people are directed to during each invitation time. It is also a place to be alone with the Lord.