It felt really good today to be back in the field after taking vacation time off last week. Cornelia and I really missed work, but we really needed the vacation time to recharge our batteries and spend time with our kids.
This morning we met with two new partner candidates from the Villa Nueva complex Mechelle and Carolyn. Both are praying about the possibility of working with us. We are glad that they are showing interest and both would be a great asset to our work there. We all met with Tim Cumnmins for lunch and had quite an extensive time of discussion regarding faith, outreach, and community involvement. We are praying that God reveals to us how to pug them in to our workWe left there and headed to Hunnington Ridge to meet up with our newest field team Edurado and Shelia Zamora. They are currently assigned to Hunnington Ridge in Norcross. We try to get to know as many missionaries as we can. They are really good people and we look forward to getting to know them. They will do a really good job there because of their background and their fluency in the Spanish language.
This is part of our team working in the Norcross area. We really have a lot to do up there.
It was good to be with the kids at Villa Nueva today. We are excited about the second part of the school year and getting back to helping with homework. But most importantly sharing Jesus with the lost.
This is our hand made attendance list. Please pray for the names on this list that these kids will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
God Bless and We Love you All!!!
God Bless and We Love you All!!!