Just a quick update on this weeks activities. Monday started a week long Vacation Bible School at Mountain Park FBC, our home church. Cornelia, Kaitlyn, and I are all working in different capacities. Even though it has been very hot this week we have had tons of fun. One of my jobs has been directing traffic in the parking lot. Man some of the people coming into the parking lot drive way too fast. The best thing about this job is that I get to greet a lot of visitors and direct them to the right locations.
Monday afternoon...Cornelia, Kati (our summer missionary), and I went to Villa Nueva to check on the kids. School has only been out for three weeks and they are already bored. So Cornelia broke out a brand new box of side-walk chalk and began to draw pictures on the soccer court. Before long all the kids were engaged in art work. After that we drew a hop-scotch board on the ground and the kids played hop scotch. Good simple fun.

While all this was going on I was able to minister to one of the boys who's Dad is locked up in the GCDC. He was pulled over for running a red light and detained. This kid is really missing his dad. His dad is really a good man. I feel sorry for his family.
Tomorrow night Rock Bridge Baptist Church will be back to continue their Kid Club Thursdays. Today we went back again and found five of our regular kids. We wanted to make sure that they remembered the event on Thursday night. We also asked them to remind the other kids to be there. I am really looking forward to working with RBBC again. Last week they led two kids to Jesus. Please pray for their effectiveness as they share the Gospel with the children once again.