Thursday, January 28, 2010

Villa Nueva!!!!!!

Cornelia and I had a great turnout at our Villa Nueva mission today. Sorry we don't have photos to share of the experience. May be we will have a camera up and running soon.

We Love working with the people there. They are so appreciative for everything we try to do for them. It is really fun having Cornelia working with me full time again. She had a great craft project for the kids to do today. The girls really love her.

I also worked with kids on their homework. Many struggle to understand written English words which makes it though for them to understand the point of the material.

Finally we distributed bread to the needy today. We have found an outlet that will sell us bread for $5.00 bucks a shopping cart load. It's good to get some sort of food on the table of very needy people. For more information contact us at

We love you all!