Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Need is Great...The Workers are Few!!!

It's good to be alive in the Lord.

How many of you are keeping up with the News Media Buzz regarding the economy? Well if you are like me you might choose to just cut the TV off rather that listen to all the negative hype. Even when we think we are poor, for most of us who live in the U.S. when it all boils down to it we are still rich far above the worlds standards. A friend of mine said if you own more that one computer then you are rich.

Recently I mentioned that I had started sub-teaching at Lilburn Elementary School. This school is greater than 90% immigrants. Working there has turned out to be a vastly greater mission field than I could have ever imagined. Its so strange to think that directly north of the Rail Road tracks in our town of Lilburn one can go from one of the most effluent neighborhoods in the county to one of day to day living and struggling just to survive. Before God called Cornelia and I to missions, I found it easy to turn my head and look the other way. But now after seven months working with families from all over the world we can tell you that our hearts have been changed. When we used to see we see people that merely want the same things for their children that we take for granite as a birth-right.

At school each day we have morning announcements. Just after announcements we say the pledge of allegiance to the flag and then sing a patriotic song followed by a moment of silence. Yesterday my heart was moved listening to the kids with brown and tan faces say the "pledge" with more gusto than any native born kid. Then the kids then sang God Bless the USA with all their hearts. WOW! one of the kids exclaimed. I love my new country.

Just to let you know...since I have been sub teaching I have been able to minister to dozens of kids and faculty. It's amazing to see God at work. What I looked at as a part-time job, God intended for it to be a misson field for sharing His Word with many people from everywhere in the world. So when you start thinking that you are poor, remember the opportunity God has placed in our path to minister to people from all over the world.

Please pray for our us and our public school ministry as we deal with dire situations of families. In many cases all we can do is pray! Also think about how you can help us in partnership.

We Love You All!!!