This week has been quite a whirlwind. Three of us have been sick with some sort of virus that has totally wiped us out. Cornelia went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a sinus infection. Well I didn't know that a sinus infection is contagious.
Also we have been praying for ministry support from our partners. We are really struggling financially are having trouble paying our bills, buying groceries etc., but at the same time we don't sell short our faithfulness in the Lord to provide. The evil one is trying to attack us on several fronts, so if you are reading this please pray for God to work mightily. The work that we are involved in is critically important to sharing Jesus with the world. The point being if we can lead just the right person to Christ then the possibility of them leading others in their people group to Jesus is huge. Then some how just like the early Christin's eventually led Rome to Christ. These people might just go back home and influence their people and lead them to Christ. Its possible.
Unfortunately everything runs on cash including ministry. Unfortunately cash is something we don't have a whole lot of right now. So we need your prayers for God's provision.
We are excited about our work. As unconventional as it may seem is the very same work that the apostle Paul initiated. We are proud to follow his foot steps.