Finally we made it back down to the bottom...boy the view was really something. We sure had a good time!!!
To update you on our ministry work. Lately we have basically been down to doing everyday ministry. The homework help outreach has been running around 15-20 kids and sometimes 25 kids and we have been able to share Jesus with several individuals.
We are working hard right now to plan for 2009. We want to do and be our best for you as we continue to build relationships with immigrants. Our goal is to share Jesus with the lost of all ages.
The public school ministry is going great. I had the opportunity to share Jesus with six older kids last week. The kids were really receptive and want to hear more. Unfortunately I just can't let my efforts disrupt school or they my ask me to leave. Please pray for people to be made ready by the Holy Spirit as we share the Gospel.
We Love You All!