Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Home Work Help

Yesterday we tried to begin our homework help program. We did all the prep and advanced advertising. We met them at the bus, talked to the Mamma's and no one came.

But never say never and never give up. That's my motto. So we got our goodies box loaded with bags if chips and took to the streets and the playgrounds. As we walked through the complex the kids would run over to us and as us when the next party is going to be. It's fun to be known as the people that bring parties to the neighborhood. I told them that we had one coming up in October. They were excited. Them they asked whats in the box? I said...chips. They said...can we have some. I said sure that will be $2.00. One of the boys yelled out, "Man what a ripoff. I responded back, not really there free (I really enjoyed getting some mileage out of that kid because he is a bit of a trouble maker).

I asked them, "have you done your homework yet? All of them agreed like any other any other kids that they hate homework. I told them that if they were going to ever be smart and successful then they had to do their homework. Then I told them that if they ever needed homework help, then they needed to come to the mission room and we would help them. They said OK, but one of the girls yelled out I still hate homework.

Laying all the fun aside, when these kids come home from school usually middle school and older these kids are charged with either helping mom cook, clean, and are typically made to take care of the younger siblings. When we have events unusually the older kids come with the little ones in toe. Some as young as two years old. Its a lot of responsibility!

Like I said we never give up. So now we come up with a different approach for the home work help program. It's called kids recreation time. We will create a kids recreation program geared to have fun along with homework help. The trick is if you don't get the homework done you can't participate in recreation.

Pray for us that we are able to make an impact for Jesus no matter what methods we use to reach these children.

We Love You All!!!