We are so blessed to have a Savior that is willing to give up everything in heaven to come to earth just because of His unconditional love for us. Yesterday we were ministering to families at one of our mission sites. One of the kids asked me if we had a Christmas tree. I told her yes. I asked her why? She said that her family could not afford a Christmas tree. It made me sad to know that many kids there may never have the joy of something as simple as a Christmas tree. The management company at this particular location has placed a beautifully decorated tree in the big window of the office. Kids are constantly hanging outside just to look in the window at the tree. The kids tell us this is our tree...see how beautiful it is!
Do you take for granite having something as simple as a tree in your home? Are you thankful how well God has blessed you? Would you be surprised to know how many people in your neighborhood are having to forgo gift giving this year because they can’t afford it any longer?
God sent his son (Jesus) into the world that he might save his beloved mankind from their sin. Jesus came here in the form of a baby. He grew into a man in stature and was set apart for one mission...to take all the sins of all men to a rugged cross as the ultimate gift for all mankind.
Today was my uncle and aunts 50th wedding anniversary party. My uncle Charles is my mothers brother. He is pictured here with my Aunt Louise. It was also good to see my cousins too! We don't see each other very much because of varied schedules. It was great to do a little catching up. By the way I am the oldest of the bunch. Praise the Lord i am the handsome one. My cousin Karen refused to get in the picture with us because she did not want to ruin her reputation.
This is a group shot of the Horton family. Boy don't they clean up good? I sure do wish we could get together more than we do.My dog Sam has been under the weather today. I don't really know whats wrong with him. He acts like he has a virus if a dog can get one. Two weeks ago Sam was a hero. Some one broke into one of our cars and then tried to get into our house through the side door. My daughter and one of her friends was here alone. My daughter said Sam barked hysterically and ran the intruder off. Sam is our hero!!! He is still just a 10 month old puppy but he has a big dog bark.
We love you all and are praying for you during this season of peace.
Merry Christmas!!
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