Saturday, November 22, 2008

Parkview Chistian Church @ Villa Nueva

We had a great time today working with Parkview Christian Church! They were a lot of fun. We love to have groups come to the mission to help share Jesus with the kids.God sends many people to work with us from various denominations and Parkview has been a long term partner with Whirlwind Missions. They had originally thought of doing a block party, but due to the blustery weather conditions they decided to do a backyard bible club instead.
We were expecting a few kids and ended up with over 40. Praise the Lord! You wouldn't think kids would come out this time of year...but like all kids you just can't keep them pent-up in the house for long.Tim lead out today with the story of Daniel and the Lions Den. He told them how even though Daniel was thrown in with the Lions to be eaten, God saved him and would not allow the Lions to harm Daniel. In the same way when we are in danger God will protect us if we know him.

We had snacks and then Tim lined the kids up for a candy throw. This prevents mass chaos...if you know what I mean.

Thanks to Dan Boots and the P.C.C. mission team for a job well done.

We Love You All !!!

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