I went to the mission yesterday to check on the kids and to hand out fliers for our new Saturday "Kid Zone" program which is being directed by our partner Meghan Faircloth. I went back today to do a survey of the area to see how many other organization are evangelizing the neighborhood. I found out that the new building across from the Kroger, on Singleton, is a Universalism Church. Noticed that they are really blitzing the area with their flyer's and other propaganda. Looking at their material it looks like they are some sort of charismatic prosperity/healing organization. I plan to investigate in greater detail. This is the building in the photo below.
The sign translated in English to say, "Stop the Suffering." The sign below translates into "Jesus Christ is Lord." Like I said...we plan to investigate.
I saw people handing out literature on the sidewalk of Old Norcross-Tucker. They looked like Jehovah's Witness foot solders.This is just an example of the competition we face among the cults. They like to work exceptionally hard with Latinos and, unfortunately, have made some headway deceiving people. Notice the sign below is bilingual. This Kingdom Hall is only one half mile from our mission base. This congregation is larger than most JW facilities. They really have a lot of manpower on the street. Please pray that we can keep the people we are working to influence headed in the right direction.
Kaitlyn practiced her driving this afternoon. She should be able to get her regular license soon if she can conquer dreaded parallel parking. Thanks for stopping by. We love you all!
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