Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Kids at the Mission and Back to School

Summers are really great at the mission, because it allows us to work with smaller groups of kids. Like us, kids are distracted by the pool, vacations, theme parks and etc... so getting them to the mission is increasingly difficult. For the ones who choose to come we are able to share the love of Jesus one on one with out the usual distractions.

It's been a couple of weeks since we last posted. During that time we have been working hard to get ready to restart our after school programs. Yes its that time again. Teachers go back to school next week and the following week students too. That means we have to spend much of our time collecting school supplies for kids that cannot afford them. The average cost to supply one kid is about $100.00. If you would like to help approximately 30-40 needy kids by donating supplies or money, please contact us at and we will provide instructions. Currently our physical donations are well below what we collected last year. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Older kids are harder to reach. Reasons are many, but the biggest is their love for soccer. They live for the sport. But recently we have found a solution to break the ice. "CHECKERS!"

Keith started a round-robin checker tournament with middle school boys that has turned into one huge draw. So huge, that they wait at the door for us to get there so the games can begin. Their manners are kind of bad (foul language) right now, but now we can begin to build relationships that will lead to sharing the Gospel.

Please pray for these Kids!!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Brett and Maggie!!!!

I had a great time catching up with my friends Brett and Maggie Barnes. they are Campus Outreach missionaries working in Indiana with college kids. Brett was a kid in one the youth groups I worked with back in to 90"s It such a blessing to see him become such a man of God. But better than that, I'm glad he married such a wonderful women than can keep him headed in the right direction.

Today is week two of Camp Discovery. This is our 12th year running this camp. Cornelia is the director and really does a great job with the fun aspect and sharing the Jesus message. Can't never start too young.

Stay tuned for further updates and pictures.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

June and Other Musings

June has been one crazy and busy month. We were privileged to have hosted mission groups from several areas of the country. One thing a missionary loves is... groups of people who give up their time, leave home, and travel great distances in the name of our Lord Jesus.
We were so blessed to have a great group of kids from Valley Ranch Baptist Church, who came here all the way from Dallas Texas. They were able to impact over twenty locations all across the International Community. They really worked very hard to develop new work in two apartment complexes that until now had no active work going on. All their efforts will be such a blessing to us as we use the data they provided to expand on their work.

Last year as part of our mission work we were invited to work with the prayer team at "Atlanta Fest." This event is the largest Christian festival of its type in the southeast. We were so blessed this year to be invited back. The founders of this event consider prayer to be the one most important elements of the whole show, and it is even written into every artist's contract.
Much of what we do is focused around the 'Prayer Tent." This is the site people are directed to during each invitation time. It is also a place to be alone with the Lord.
We also rotate the task of praying with every artist that performs on stage in a private secured area back stage.Each year at the Saturday night conclusion,candles are lit as a reminder to carry the light of Jesus into the world. This is a picture of my hands. I was the last person this year to receive the light. This picture was taken from the main stage. Beyond my hands you can see the thousands of candles. A very cool view uh? Can't wait until next year comes!