Thursday, April 23, 2009

MSC Gathering

Today I went to the Georgia Baptist Convention for a gathering of MSC missionaries.
The building is really beautiful inside.
The atrium has several works of art that depict the ministry of Jesus.

This is a painting of Jesus and the 12 Disciples. It's really gorgeous. Most people never think of the disciples being this young.

It was good to see our partners Ruthie and Bennett there as well. Tim Cummins was the key note speaker. I could not get a shot of him because he would not hold still. If you know Tim, then you will understand what I mean. It was good to learn how others serve and work to reach the people for Christ.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Slowing Down abit!!!

Well as the school year winds down, the kids are not having as much home work. For the past week the kids have been taking the CRCT test which results in no homework. So that has given us plenty of time to do recreation and more time to talk about Jesus. Monday we played a mean game of across the river. The kids love this game. We then feed them cookies and soft drinks, did art, and sent them home.

The only exception was Misiel who's teacher sent a practice CRCT test home for him to complete. We worked on it for the entire time and he still did not get finished. It was over 20 pages long....Ughhh!!!!

Our partners from Parkview Church have become a big part of our team. They send members on Monday and Saturdays to help with evangelism and recreation. Also we are looking forward to our friends from Mountain Park FBC returning to do a block party soon. Our funds are running really low right now which honestly restricts our ability to do basic ministry. Please pray for the Lord to provide financially so that we can continue to serve in this vitally important location.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


We had a great time today celebrating Easter with our mission kids and families. Melinda, the manager of Villa Nueva, partnered with us to to sponsor an egg hunt for the children.

Several families came out to enjoy the festivities and refreshments.

It was time for the egg hunt! The kids and were really excited. The parents were excited too. Everyone was hunting...moms, dads, and kids.

Each egg had a surprise inside or candy.

Even the smallest hunters had a great time. Praise God for a risen Savior. Happy Easter!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

How Do You Define a Frend?

It is said in the Bible that everyone is appointed to die. Try as we may to keep this day from coming, we will all still face this point on the time line. I like to use the analogy of a hair. If you place the creation of the earth on the left and infinity on the the right, then place a single hair at some point on the line then one can see how really short life is. James, the writer of the New Testament book that bears his name, reminds us that life is like a vapor—here today and gone tomorrow. (James 4:14) It is quick!

So while we are on the subject...let me ask you a question, "How will you be remembered?" Or better than that, "How would you want to be remembered?" On the day you die what would be the one thing your minister would focus on as he speaks of the time between your birth and your death? I believe the greatest thing that could ever be told about anyone would be concerning their friendship and relationship with God. I would be honored if a minister could stand and say “Keith was a friend of God.” I have been told my whole life that I would be known by the company I keep. What a testimony if it could be known that I kept company with God!

If there was ever a man in the Bible it could be said was a friend of the Most High God, it would be Abraham. God always speaks from His perfect knowledge. God says, “Abraham was a friend of mine.” Friendship can be summed up in three words. The words which quickly come to mind are those that measure every friendship. A friend is loyal, trustworthy, and committed. It is that simple. Those words describe what it takes to be a friend to people and it takes the same three words in action to be a real friend of God.

By his willingness to trust God with his life, God held Abraham up as an example of a giant in the faith for us to follow. In other words, his legacy speaks volumes concerning his walk with God. That’s exactly what God desires for us. God’s desire for each of us is that our commitment to Him is more than just Sunday morning, but that it is 24/7. God desires that we live with such a holy passion that every single moment of each day be totally committed to Him.

Today ..."Good Friday," let us remember the friendship our Lord Jesus displayed for us. Despite his trial, harsh treatment, and crucifixion he remained a true friend of mankind to the end. He never once violated his word to die so that we could have a second chance. He remained loyal, trustworthy, and committed to the end.

Take a moment at 3:00 pm this afternoon to remember what he did just for you.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thanks War Hill!

We had a great time with War Hill Christian Fellowship yesterday. They came out to lead our Saturday program and to hang out with our kids. We really enjoyed having them!
They were really a lot of fun and the kids really enjoyed playing with them. It was also good to have Victor from Youth Outreach United there as well. He has been on site several times and is always a blessing to have around.

War Hill's youth pastor Christi Garner says the church is trying of be outward focused and to loose the bad habit of being internal and comfortable.

Our partner and good friend Meghan Faircloth led the kids in the Evangi-egg presentation. Each egg is symbolic of one day of passion week. She really did an excellent job.

It was also good to have Cornelia there too! As our Saturday program develops it allows her to be involved. The kids really love her.

Please pray for our ministry. With the recession, we have suffered a 30 percent drop in our financial support. if you would like to donate you can click on to donate button on this page or you can visit our website at No amount is too small and every donation is tax deductible.

We love you all!!!