This morning I meet with one of my good friends Mark Whitley. Mark is the athletic director for Parkview H.S. where my daughter attends. He leads the largest SS Class at our church. We discussed how his class could get involves in outreach in my mission territory. I asked him to do a Christmas party for the kids at Villas Nueva in December (never to early to get started). He agreed in part but wanted to discuss the possibilities with his class. I have a sneaky suspicion that they will agree to do it. We also discuss other outreach projects and methods that would get the church at large more involved in reaching out. That's "good stuff."
I attended my first Unite meeting and had the opportunity to sit with one of our partners Matt Johns. Matt is director of the mission work in Peach Tree Corners. We don't see each other very often and it was good to get to know each other better and also compare notes about mission work. Sorry I didn't get a photo of him.

Today's topic was geared toward "disaster preparedness." In light of this years hurricane season, floods, and tornadoes it was good to brush up on agencies and mission organizations called by good to help people in time of need.

One of our speakers was Kathy Haworth from the American Red Cross. She spoke of Hurricane Katrina and how touched the American public was during the disaster and the pouring out of donations, resources, and time. In contrast, she also spoke of the events at Galveston, Texas last week and the almost callous reaction by people. Kathy also told us that the agency is broke and has no money to respond. Currently the RC is involved in an aggressive campaign to raise money and volunteers. Kathy also spoke of the need for shelter operators and explained how we could get involved in training and leadership.
We also heard from Harvey Anderson director of Home Repair Ministries. His organization has been instrumental in replacing hundreds of homes in Bay Saint Louis Mississippi. He continually tries to reproduce himself with other people who have a passion like his.
Unite is a good concept designed to link churches form all denominations together for the greater good of our Lord Jesus. Don't shoot me...but its good to know that the Southern Baptist are not the only show in town.
Late this afternoon I went with Kaitlyn to help pick out her Senior Class ring. She was sooooo excited and I was too.
We Love You all!!!