Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lack of Contact

I am sorry for the lack of contact with you my faith full supporters. Our computer is still on the blink and we don't have the funds to get it repaired. If any one knows someone who can repair computers as a ministry please let me know. We sure are hand-cuffed with our it.

Please pray for our ministry as we begin to establish a new mission site soon. Also pray that God will also see fit to bless us financially.

We Love you all!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Computer Woes!!!

Goood Morning! Well its good to be back online again. My high-powered Dell Computer decided, after three years of perfect operation, to crash. So now we had to go to the backup computer. About three months ago we received a donation of a Hewlett Packard PC. Praise the Lord that he knew we were going to need it. As for the Dell ... its in the hands of Doctor Jesse Cummins for evaluation. Jesse is really talented at this kind of tech stuff and I know what ever the remedy may be, he will be able to tell me soon.

Just to update you on the latest mission news...we have been working hard to reach the people of Villa Nueva and Huntington Village. To date we have led 20 people to Jesus, worked with 4 different churches, and handed out over 150 bibles to many adults. If you would like to be apart of our team we really need a donation of Spanish language bibles. We also could use volunteers to help on sight.

Lately Cornelia has been working her summer camp and also at a daycare center to help boost our financial situation. With the recession just about every missionary is experiencing a decline in giving. Unfortunately bills and mortgages still have to be paid etc..

Our summer missionary Kati McLean is doing an excellent job filling the gap where ever she is asked to serve. This week she is in Boston, but will be back in action next week.

Please pray for our work. We have faith in the direction by a powerful and loving God that will meet all our needs. If you have been blessed this month...please pray how you can help your missionaries.

We Love You All!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Internet woes!!!!

I am sorry about not keeping my blog current. I have been having some major trouble with my modem over heating..I figured out if I put it in the refrigerator that it will make it work for a short time. Hopefully I will have the problem resolved soon and be current and updated soon.

Thanks for your patience.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hello Every One!

This week we have been working with a team from Petal Mississippi (Petal Harvey Baptist Church).
This group has been doing a terrific job working with over 160 kids between four different sites. We appreciate the efforts of Jason (right) and his group. Jason has been a youth minister for several years and really knows how to motivate his team.Feet really take a beating and get dirty during mission activities.

Kids and workers get hot and tired!

But the best thing is ...Kids have fun and learn about Jesus!
Over the past two weeks we have led seven people to Christ. We are greedy for the people of this world. Please pray that God will bind Satan and keep the flow coming.

Also...thanks to my summer missionary Kati for all her hard work. She is doing an outstanding job and is really called to do this kind of work.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Kids Club Thursday and Happenings

Cornelia and I helped out Thursday and Friday morning with Vacation Bible School at my home church Mountain Park FBC. The attendance has ran close to 350 kids every day. Out children's pastor Debbie Braswell is one of the best and really knows how to throw a party for Jesus.
Later, I met up around noon with Ashley, Jesse, Tim and Marco Solano! Marco is another of our team members.

We met to discuss the field teams that will be working on my sights next week. The team will be a youth group from Mississippi. Their assignments will be Huntington Village, Huntington Ridge, Villa Nueva and Retreat at Arc Way. Also made a visit to the Beaver Ruin Baptist church to let them know about the work we’re doing in their area.

We also talked about a team from Florida coming up to work with us and also a group that might be transferring the to the Falls Apartments on Satellite Blvd.

Thursday evening we had our Kids Club program sponsored by Rock Bridge Baptist Church. We had a larger number of kids this week because of the good weather.

Hopefully we will be able to generate some interest in their Vacation Bible School coming in July. Please pray that kids will except Christ.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week in Review!!!

Just a quick update on this weeks activities. Monday started a week long Vacation Bible School at Mountain Park FBC, our home church. Cornelia, Kaitlyn, and I are all working in different capacities. Even though it has been very hot this week we have had tons of fun. One of my jobs has been directing traffic in the parking lot. Man some of the people coming into the parking lot drive way too fast. The best thing about this job is that I get to greet a lot of visitors and direct them to the right locations.

Monday afternoon...Cornelia, Kati (our summer missionary), and I went to Villa Nueva to check on the kids. School has only been out for three weeks and they are already bored. So Cornelia broke out a brand new box of side-walk chalk and began to draw pictures on the soccer court. Before long all the kids were engaged in art work. After that we drew a hop-scotch board on the ground and the kids played hop scotch. Good simple fun.

While all this was going on I was able to minister to one of the boys who's Dad is locked up in the GCDC. He was pulled over for running a red light and detained. This kid is really missing his dad. His dad is really a good man. I feel sorry for his family. Tomorrow night Rock Bridge Baptist Church will be back to continue their Kid Club Thursdays. Today we went back again and found five of our regular kids. We wanted to make sure that they remembered the event on Thursday night. We also asked them to remind the other kids to be there. I am really looking forward to working with RBBC again. Last week they led two kids to Jesus.

Please pray for their effectiveness as they share the Gospel with the children once again.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Great Summer Mission Kick Off!!!

We had our first summer kick off event last night with Rock Bridge Baptist Church. This is the beginning of a five week Thursday night Kids Club designed to "Take the Church To the People" away from the church campus.

The event, scheduled for 6:30 pm, was meet with torrential rainfall which began just as we started. Even though the devil tried to stop us we just moved the event under the covered porch. We were sort perplexed as to why our many of our regular kids did not show up...after all they helped us pass out flyer's. Shows you can never second guess anything on the mission field.

Rock Bridge Baptist had many really talented people leading and teaching. The material centered around Hebrews 9:22b"and without shedding of blood is no remission".

After the lesson the kids were treated to songs and games. Oh yea! buy the way. an invitation was given after the lesson and we had three kids express an interest in knowing more about a relationship with Jesus.Awesome!!!

We were very excited to see many new kids that we had not made contact with before this event.

This morning I had the opportunity to go and speak with a class from Kid R Kids. Their summertime material centers around being a better person morally. Hey...we have the answer for that problem. Per the managers request I spoke on cooperation. It was good stuff and the kids really listened.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer Program Prep!!!!

Cornelia and I spent Thursday and Friday getting ready for our summer mission work. We worked on plans for the mission kids and the preschool camp we do every year (Camp Discovery).

Thursday we cleaned up the mission...boy was it a mess. It has been a couple of months since we really cleaned up.

We tried to find some of our kids, but did not have much luck. The manager said they were on vacation. Not sure about that .

It's got be hard for 50 kids to go on vacation all at once. We are not worried we will track them down soon.

Tomorrow we will be working on the News Letter....yes it's that time again. We were very late getting the April update out last month. We are trying to get back on track this month. Thanks to all of you who support us with financial gifts and prayers! We sure do appreciate you all.

Much love to you all!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

UNITE and Other Things

Its good to be back to blogging again. Sorry we have not updated in a while, but we look forward to getting back on track again.

Thursday Cornelia and I attended the Unite meeting. Unite is a gathering of evangelical Church's' combining for one common goal; to share the gospel with the lost.

Chip Sweeney of Perimeter Church heads up Unite. This month we were discussing Compassion in Action Weekend which happens in October. It will be one of the largest outreach events of the year in Metro Atlanta

We always enjoy learning and hearing what other Christian believers are doing in various denominations and organization's. It was good to see our partner Matt Johns there as well.

Last Saturday we tried to have an end of the school year party. Unfortunately due to heavy rain the kids just did not turn out. Mama was probably not to crazy about the lighting associated with the rain.

We did manage to have a small turnout. That's not a bad thing in our eyes. It gives us time to get closer to the kids that did come.

Please pray as we begin to transition into our summer program. We are seeing a lot of new kids begin to move in, but sadly some of our regulars are moving out of Villa Nueva and on to various other places.

We have been meeting with various churches in our area and plan to combine forces to run three consecutive weeks of back-yard-bible clubs beginning in two weeks. We are very proud to be partnering with the new Rockbridge Baptist Church. Our goal is to reach the community as co- partners with one common effort.

Sadly we had to say good by to a very good and faithful friend. Sam, our one year old retriever mix, suddenly became ill and passed away last Saturday just after we arrived home from the mission. We are not really sure what was wrong with him and it happened so fast that we did not have time to take him to the emergency hospital.

He was a good dog and we sure are going to miss him!

We Love You All!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Team Work!!!

Its really staggering how much the Lord really loves us. When Jesus said, "Oh, ye of little faith," He must have been speaking directly to me. As humans we have a natural built in ability to think that what we accomplish is driven by our own talents and abilities. But actually with out God's guidance and help we could not accomplish one single thing.

Yesterday I met up with Tim, Jesse, Terry and Ruthie and Ian North. We had a couple of cars donated to the ministry. I helped Tim figure out how to get to the DMV office. So all six of us rode over to Hapeville to transfer the titles of both cars from the previous owners to Whirlwind Missions. And then have a second transfer made to the missionaries that will actually be using the vehicles. Terry had a friend that donated a van to our ministry that she’s going to be able to use for her Burundian ladies, and the Norths will be using the other car for everyday transportation.

It is great to see how the Lord still provides even in bad economic conditions. The Lord never suffers from a bad economy... everything belongs to Him. To God be the glory.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

MSC Gathering

Today I went to the Georgia Baptist Convention for a gathering of MSC missionaries.
The building is really beautiful inside.
The atrium has several works of art that depict the ministry of Jesus.

This is a painting of Jesus and the 12 Disciples. It's really gorgeous. Most people never think of the disciples being this young.

It was good to see our partners Ruthie and Bennett there as well. Tim Cummins was the key note speaker. I could not get a shot of him because he would not hold still. If you know Tim, then you will understand what I mean. It was good to learn how others serve and work to reach the people for Christ.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Slowing Down abit!!!

Well as the school year winds down, the kids are not having as much home work. For the past week the kids have been taking the CRCT test which results in no homework. So that has given us plenty of time to do recreation and more time to talk about Jesus. Monday we played a mean game of across the river. The kids love this game. We then feed them cookies and soft drinks, did art, and sent them home.

The only exception was Misiel who's teacher sent a practice CRCT test home for him to complete. We worked on it for the entire time and he still did not get finished. It was over 20 pages long....Ughhh!!!!

Our partners from Parkview Church have become a big part of our team. They send members on Monday and Saturdays to help with evangelism and recreation. Also we are looking forward to our friends from Mountain Park FBC returning to do a block party soon. Our funds are running really low right now which honestly restricts our ability to do basic ministry. Please pray for the Lord to provide financially so that we can continue to serve in this vitally important location.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


We had a great time today celebrating Easter with our mission kids and families. Melinda, the manager of Villa Nueva, partnered with us to to sponsor an egg hunt for the children.

Several families came out to enjoy the festivities and refreshments.

It was time for the egg hunt! The kids and were really excited. The parents were excited too. Everyone was hunting...moms, dads, and kids.

Each egg had a surprise inside or candy.

Even the smallest hunters had a great time. Praise God for a risen Savior. Happy Easter!!!