Thursday, August 14, 2008

School Supplies Distribution

We collect school supplies from churches each year to give out the first week or two of school. We give them to kids that live in impoverished conditions. This year we ran short on these supplies because of the increased demand and the decrease in donations. It's extremely hard for us to turn kids away because we ran out. So one of our partners made the decision to buy almost a $1000.00 dollars of school supplies out of his own pocket and divide them between two of our missions. Me in my on shallowness said to him are you sure you want to do that? He said its got to be done. Man what faith!!! For the first time God revealed to me the reason he has placed us here on earth.

School supplies for one of our missions.

Many people are experiencing "hard economic conditions" for the first time in their lives. Those of us who grew up in the Jimmy Carter era know what its like to feel the pinch. Young adults and students have never experienced a recession. Most are used to having most everything they desire given to them by their parents (personal opinion). So many people are worried that they are going to have to give up hard earned personal possessions or maybe even loose their homes.

My dad used to say that we go through times such as these as a wake-up-call so that we don't get to proud of ourselves. Even though he was not a Christian when he made this statement, the bottom line is that we have for gotten that everything we have belongs to God.

God tells us specifically not to store up treasures on earth. He tells us that we should be about the business of giving our money and possessions away. When we get this concept down then we begin to understand why Jesus told us not to store up treasures on earth. It all belongs to God!!! We are supposed to pay it forward not store it in Barnes. So first and foremost if we are not giving our 10 percent to the church then we are not in fellowship with God and we out-right disobey his instructions.

If we hold back form giving to missionaries, ministers, and others who do God's work to benefit mankind, then we are disobeying God. This is not meant to guilt any of you who may read this, but intended to make you see God's priorities for our life is not how we sometimes interpreter it .

I would like to challenge you to pray about something you might sell or give outright to fill the need of a fellow human being. I guarantee you there is no feeling that will liberate you than giving to fill others needs.

Yesterday was a great day.


We Love You All