Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Public School Ministry

This week I had the opportunity to work two full days as a sub-teacher at one of the local public schools. Many of the teachers are astounded that the kids, I have worked with, have liked me so quickly. As a matter of fact they care for me so much that it is a little disruptive sometimes. But I do really try to be kind as possible so as to reflect Jesus to them. Even though we are not supposed to directly witness unless asked, the model of Christ can be reflected in our personal lifestyles. My consistent theme is always "be good" and "do your absolute best."

Cornelia works daily in a local church preschool as a teacher and as mentioned in an earlier post she also works at a daycare center in the after school program working for Hindi speaking Indian nationals. She has likewise developed her own little ministry. Basically doing the same thing that I do in public school. She also really tries to reflect Jesus to the different cultures she encounters everyday.
Our after school homework help continues to do well and we also have a Christmas Party planned for December 6th at Villa Nueva. Please pray for these two ministries as we continue to share the Love of our Lord and if you feel led maybe even donate resources.
We are thankful for you all!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The End of The Bridge!!!

Yesterday was a sad day for our family. It was the last day for "The Bridge Ministry." We were one of the original core group families that stepped out of the traditional service three years ago to help start this service, so you might say that it was close to our hearts.

The service was designed to reach out to people that were disgruntled with church, had been hurt in church, or just simply wanted to have a low impact come as you are place to attend. It's hard,humanly, to understand why it had to go.

To be in the service yesterday and hear testimonies of the lives that were changed by this ministry was deeply touching. Many of these people were wounded at some point in the lives and were renewed by the overwhelming acceptance for all people who came to "The Bridge." Some one said yesterday that over 50 people had joined the church through this ministry in just under three years. Missionary types like us have a hard time seeing program cuts to mission based programs. We generally base success on one life led to Christ at a time.

Thanks to Bob and Rachel Bochat for all their hard work and weekly dedication. It took a lot of hours and sacrifice to pull this service off each week and with out a doubt you were called to this place just for that specific purpose. Also thanks to all of you who volunteered every week with the Lord's purpose in mind. We love you guys very much!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Parkview Chistian Church @ Villa Nueva

We had a great time today working with Parkview Christian Church! They were a lot of fun. We love to have groups come to the mission to help share Jesus with the kids.God sends many people to work with us from various denominations and Parkview has been a long term partner with Whirlwind Missions. They had originally thought of doing a block party, but due to the blustery weather conditions they decided to do a backyard bible club instead.
We were expecting a few kids and ended up with over 40. Praise the Lord! You wouldn't think kids would come out this time of year...but like all kids you just can't keep them pent-up in the house for long.Tim lead out today with the story of Daniel and the Lions Den. He told them how even though Daniel was thrown in with the Lions to be eaten, God saved him and would not allow the Lions to harm Daniel. In the same way when we are in danger God will protect us if we know him.

We had snacks and then Tim lined the kids up for a candy throw. This prevents mass chaos...if you know what I mean.

Thanks to Dan Boots and the P.C.C. mission team for a job well done.

We Love You All !!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Need is Great...The Workers are Few!!!

It's good to be alive in the Lord.

How many of you are keeping up with the News Media Buzz regarding the economy? Well if you are like me you might choose to just cut the TV off rather that listen to all the negative hype. Even when we think we are poor, for most of us who live in the U.S. when it all boils down to it we are still rich far above the worlds standards. A friend of mine said if you own more that one computer then you are rich.

Recently I mentioned that I had started sub-teaching at Lilburn Elementary School. This school is greater than 90% immigrants. Working there has turned out to be a vastly greater mission field than I could have ever imagined. Its so strange to think that directly north of the Rail Road tracks in our town of Lilburn one can go from one of the most effluent neighborhoods in the county to one of day to day living and struggling just to survive. Before God called Cornelia and I to missions, I found it easy to turn my head and look the other way. But now after seven months working with families from all over the world we can tell you that our hearts have been changed. When we used to see we see people that merely want the same things for their children that we take for granite as a birth-right.

At school each day we have morning announcements. Just after announcements we say the pledge of allegiance to the flag and then sing a patriotic song followed by a moment of silence. Yesterday my heart was moved listening to the kids with brown and tan faces say the "pledge" with more gusto than any native born kid. Then the kids then sang God Bless the USA with all their hearts. WOW! one of the kids exclaimed. I love my new country.

Just to let you know...since I have been sub teaching I have been able to minister to dozens of kids and faculty. It's amazing to see God at work. What I looked at as a part-time job, God intended for it to be a misson field for sharing His Word with many people from everywhere in the world. So when you start thinking that you are poor, remember the opportunity God has placed in our path to minister to people from all over the world.

Please pray for our us and our public school ministry as we deal with dire situations of families. In many cases all we can do is pray! Also think about how you can help us in partnership.

We Love You All!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We are Back!!!

We are sorry for neglecting our blog update. Our Internet has been down for several we have not had access to the Internet. This day and time that is liken to not having food or water ( at least that's the way my kids felt about it). Man what an experience dealing with the "new" AT&T no customer service. I guess its such a mammoth company that departmental communication is difficult. After two inadvertently canceled work orders and much anguish its full steam ahead again. The bottom line is we're back. More to come later!!!! Thanks for viewing our blog.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Testaments and the Christmas Story

Yesterday I spent a lot of time in the Singleton Road area looking for problem areas. Also looking into starting another mission site in a different Apartment Complex. Went over to Villas Nueva to meet Meghan and the kids for homework help. When I got there I noticed a couple of Mormon missionaries were standing at the bus drop off point. Fortunately for us most of the kids were warned by their parent to stay away from these guys. I spoke to them and asked them if they were missionaries. They replied yes.

Just as the bus came and the kids started getting off. They ran straight over to us to say hello. You see we have spent the past months building relationships, so they know we care about them. The other guys have little time invested so the kids wont have anything to do with them. We had about six kids for home work help. I see why Tim Cummins has taught us to homework help as a spring board for relationship building. Many of these kids would probably fail school of we didn't tutor them, so they treat us like heros.We always try to make Jesus the hero.

We had 3 cases of New Testaments donated by our partner Matt Johns. We started distributing them yesterday and today. The kids are virtually fighting over them. Hardly anyone seems to have their own Bible. We are thrilled that we can get them in the hands of people who really desire to have a copy of the Word.

After homework help we had a Bible study. Many of the kids are Catholic so they have been taught the Word. We are really glad that the children have been so eager to learn. We read the Christmas story to them from Luke Chapter 2. The kids were really into it! They knew a lot. Meghan did a fantastic Job helping them understand. We were proud to have the opportunity to share with them.

Today I worked on fund raising and administrative details. I am trying to figure out a way to raise support on line. We recently launched our new website. We also need to find a way to advertise the site. . If you are reading this please feel free to forward our web address to your friends and family. Or place us as a link on your site.

The manager wants to have a health fair.. I will need to work on that and see advice for my elders.

Have a great day tomorrow. We love you all!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kid's Zone

I went to the mission yesterday to check on the kids and to hand out fliers for our new Saturday "Kid Zone" program which is being directed by our partner Meghan Faircloth. I went back today to do a survey of the area to see how many other organization are evangelizing the neighborhood. I found out that the new building across from the Kroger, on Singleton, is a Universalism Church. Noticed that they are really blitzing the area with their flyer's and other propaganda. Looking at their material it looks like they are some sort of charismatic prosperity/healing organization. I plan to investigate in greater detail. This is the building in the photo below.
The sign translated in English to say, "Stop the Suffering." The sign below translates into "Jesus Christ is Lord." Like I said...we plan to investigate. I saw people handing out literature on the sidewalk of Old Norcross-Tucker. They looked like Jehovah's Witness foot solders.This is just an example of the competition we face among the cults. They like to work exceptionally hard with Latinos and, unfortunately, have made some headway deceiving people. Notice the sign below is bilingual. This Kingdom Hall is only one half mile from our mission base. This congregation is larger than most JW facilities.

They really have a lot of manpower on the street. Please pray that we can keep the people we are working to influence headed in the right direction.

Kaitlyn practiced her driving this afternoon. She should be able to get her regular license soon if she can conquer dreaded parallel parking. Thanks for stopping by. We love you all!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lilburn Dazs

This week I have been substitute teaching at a local elementary school. This school is one of the largest in the county. It is also the most ethnically diverse as well. The older kids had a chorus concert yesterday morning. All the non-participating students came. Looking over the crowd...I think every ethnic group on earth was represented there. I might have seen three or four white kids in the crowd. It is so amazing to see what God has placed right here in our back yard in Lilburn. I feel God has given me this opportunity to not only earn some extra support money, but to also work in a school as an expansion of my mission field. Missionary work takes real creativity and this is just another way to build relationships with a different ministry technique. I really do approach this as part of my ministry.

One of the administrators asked me today why I was there? I think beads of sweat broke out on my forehead. After all I am a 50 year old man working with very small children. I thought "OK God" here we go. So I was straight up with her and told her that I was a missionary looking to make some extra income, then I waited for her reaction. To my surprise she began to tell me about her church and how proud she was of all the teachers in her school who are Christian. Honestly I have been very surprised to find so many Christian teachers there. It is almost like God has strategically placed these teachers in this place for this time for one common purpose. The attitude of the staff there is tremendously upbeat!

Yesterday one little girl named Marta came to me crying. I asked her, "Whats wrong honey?" She said in a broken voice, "Phillip says that God doesn't really live in heaven. Phillip is a Muslim kid. I bent down and told her, "Don't worry! I promise God is still in his heaven." She smiled and wiped here tear and said, "I knew he was wrong." Wow what a moment.

One of the blessings of serving the Lord as your missionary, is getting to meet and know so many people. If you know me know that I have no trouble expounding on the issues. Cornelia always says I came from my mother talking at birth. She is probably right.

Cornelia and I would like to invite you to keep praying for our ministry work. The Youth Outreach United team will be back at Villa Nueva on Saturday morning for their biweekly outreach. Please pray for my partner Meghan and her team as they work to reach the children with games, snacks, and the Word of our Lord. Also pray how you can become a partner in our ministry.

We Love You All!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!!!!!

As many of you know this is a very historical day in the life of our country. The Bible tells us that God gives certain people the authority to rule. He has also given us the freedom in our country to vote. We had a very special time voting early this morning as the Harrell's voted as a family minus Kaitlyn (see is only seventeen). Man what a tremendous feeling it is to have such God given opportunity as we have in the United States of America to vote. I hope you exercised your opportunity as well.

You know sometimes we get all hyped up when it comes to elections, but let us remember that God is sovereign and He is really in control despite the outcome. Jesus also tells us in Luke 12 not to worry, so whatever the outcome, as Christians we know who really controls things. Jesus! So don't worry.

If you are reading our blog...we want to thank you for taking interest in our ministry and our family. We love you all!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday heading toward Monday

I want to update you with the progress we are making at our mission. On Wednesday we had about 15-18 for homework help. Not bad for a program that was almost dead two weeks ago. The power of prayer is amazing.

We give thanks to the Lord for sending Meghan Faircloth to us to help with our homework program. She is really doing an amazing job.

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I had gotten my substitute teaching certificate. I finally started receiving calls last week. This will be a grand opportunity to get a Christian influence into public school, while making extra income. My plans are to do this two or three days a week as time permits. I still have to keep our field programs running...they come first.

The entire Harrell family went to church a North Point Community Church today. Andy Stanley is beginning a new series on "Not Worrying." He really has a unique ability to preach to the heart. We have a regular home church, but we like to visit there once every other month or so.

If you are reading our blog...Cornelia and I want to say thank you. We will be back in the field tomorrow. Please pray for us!!!

Kindest Regards...we love you all!