Friday, December 19, 2008

Mission Update!

The kids at the mission got out of school today. They will be on Christmas break until after the first of the year. We will probably swing in a couple of times over the break just check on them.

Parkview Church is coming tomorrow for a little outreach event. Kind of a mini backyard bible club.We will swing in there tomorrow to pray with them. They have been there before so they really don't need to be supervised. We appreciate their partnership.

Please pray for families that are doing without things for Christmas. Many people are even hurting for basic food needs.. I sure wish we had the financial resources to help them. A few 50 dollar gift cards would really help out.

We plan to be at the mission on Monday at regular time to see the kids one last time before Christmas. After that we plan to take a little time off the be with family and celebrate Jesus' birthday. We have had a busy fall and need to recharge the batteries.

Thank you to all who have donated to our mission work this year. We really appreciate what you do for us more than we could ever express. Please pray for us as we begin a new year.

We will be sending our newsletter out early due to the holidays. Please read it and tell us what you think.

We Love You All!