Sunday, October 26, 2008

Catching You Up on Things

Were back!
I am sorry for the lack of blogging the past few days. Friday was a miserable rainy day! I met the youth pastor of Parkview Christian Church and his team. We left their church and drove up to look at mission sites. They plan to do a block party for us November 22. They wanted to personally look at sites. I hope its not too cold then. Sorry for not having photos of the group..the camera was acting up.

After lunch I was back at the office working on administrative stuff. We also started on our news letter gathering supplies, postage, and working on layout design etc... I have a lot to tell you about in the next news letter. If you would like to be on our mail-out list send your email address to God has kept us busy this month with great ministry.

Saturday morning we met a team from Youth United. They came to do a party for the kids along with Bible stories at three different complexes. They were able to round up a few kids at each location. Several kids are Catholic and were at confirmation class, while others were attending Saturday school (for kids who need help keeping up). Later in the day I took Kaitlyn and her friend Vanessa back to Six Flags (yes we went back again!). We hit a few rides and came back home. It was fairly crowded.

Today we attended church at MPFBC "Bridge" service. We had a Tex-Mex lunch with our friends afterwards. We met a new family that we did not know. It was fun getting to know them. We really enjoyed Pastor Bob's sermon on "Why Come to Church."

Love you all!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Round Two

This morning started off with language classes. Learning Spanish is not really easy for me. Still I do believe that if I keep at it I just may get conversational by the time i turn 60.

Today was round two of homework help. We had approximately 10 kids. We love helping them because many of them have to go to Saturday school because they have already fallen behind this semester. It's our goal to instill success into the lives of these kids. As Truitt Cathy's easier to mold a boy than to treat a man. Lord let us me molders of these kids so that we don't have to treat them later in life.This is Meghan Faircloth our new partner. She is doing a great job with the kids and has a huge heart for the lost. thank you Lord for sending Meghan to us. Meghan is a part of Youth United. They are coming Saturday to run a small fall party with costumes and lots of candy. Please pray that we will be able to share Jesus with someone.

Tomorrow I meet with two different potential partners.Tim is leaving for an out of town trip so I guess I will be running the ship. i love working with new people that are willing to move outside of the four wall. Praise God for them we need all the help we can get.

Love you all.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Home Work Help!

Yesterday was a great day because we finally were able to get our homework help program started. Praise the Lord we had 10 kids and we were able to help everybody with math, reading, and science. I left the camera at home so I wasn't able to get pictures. I'll try to take pictures tomorrow. Meghan and I also played games and gave them snacks and drink after all the homework assignments were completed..

We also got a chance to minister to the Lopez family. The mother recently underwent surgery and is still in the recuperation process. Please pray for her. Her name is Maria. Also pray for a new partnership we are trying to develop with Parkview Christian Church. They are interested in working on site with us. We pray the Lord works out all the details so we can have more boots on the ground for Jesus.

Today I worked on a group email list. We are trying to get up to speed on technology in order to be a little more high tech when it comes to fund raising. We actually spend very little time worrying about fund raising because we know the Lord will provide. We prefer to focus our energy on helping people and sharing the Gospel. I sent the first email today. If any of you received it your feed back would be most appreciated.

We also have a new website. We would like to invite you to take a look at it

We love you all!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Commissioning Service!

Yesterday was a blessed day for Cornelia and I as we were commissioned as NAMB missionaries.
Pictured below is my good friend Mike Talent on the right. He moved to Alabama several years ago. Its always good to see him. He was a major partner in our youth ministry days.

Our partner Tim Cummins lead the charge for us with a chorus of "Take the Church to the People." Then asked people to come forward to place hands on us a to pray for God to use us.

I received my certification certificate from NAMB. Cornelia is still in the process of approval, but we expect that to be finished soon. Then she will receiver hers as well.

Tim's daughter Ashley Cummins was commissioned as well. She is the youngest MSC missionary in North America. We all love what we do!

Saturday we went back to Six Flags. Boy was it crowded! I guess everyone is trying to get the good out of their season passes.

We were there to meet up with some of Kaitlyn's Christian friends from Alabama. They all met each other a few years ago at Atlanta Fest and are still really good friends. Usually long distance relationships don't last, but they have stuck together!

This is Christiana on the left...she made Kaitlyn a huge birthday card. They really have great times together.

Saturday night the girls had a costume party. From left to right Irene, Janna, Kaitlyn, and Sarah. They had the Peter Pan theme going on.

This is Kaitlyn and her good friend Vanessa. They recently did a couple of YouTube videos on black screen. It makes them look suspended in mid-air. Both of them are aspiring to be photographers. They sure can find different ways to have fun.

We Love You all!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Home Work Help and Birthdays

Meghan Faircloth and I met the school buses today to hand out flyer's for home help which will star on Monday. Just a week and a half ago we thought the program was cancelled until God sent us Meghan. Its good to have the program back on track. God is good.

Also went to Lawrenceville to look at a couple of complexes. Hopefully after the first of the year we will have two additional missions on line staffed by FBC Lawrencevile. Pray for a good end result.

Today is a special day in our house. It is Kaitlyn's 17 birthday. She is so special that she even got two cakes.

This one was baked and decorated by her life-long friend Cathy.

Kaitlyn blowing out the candles. I was teasing her about catching the house on fire.

We took her out to Chic-fil-a for dinner after church tonight. We all had so much fun!!

Being the man behind the camera, I always get left out of the pictures. So I thought a self portrait would be in order.

Its hard to believe that she is already seventeen. We love her so much!!!

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day Off

I took the day off yesterday to recoup. The past three weeks have been virtually non-stop. Nevertheless I still took time to work on a couple of ministry things. I met with Megan Faircloth. She is going to come on board to help with our after school homework program which we will start to advertise this Wednesday.
Kaitlyn and her friend Vanessa coaxed Cornelia and me into taking them to the Mall of Georgia. Shopping is one of my least favorite things to you know I really love my daughter if she can get me to go shopping.

Late yesterday afternoon we also went and climbed Stone Mountain. Today I feel like I need to take another day off. Fat chance!!! My legs are a little sore , but the view was worth the climb to say nothing of the aerobic value. Well... we finally made it to the top.The breeze felt awesome.

I had fun taking pictures of the girls and watching them clown around. Looks dangerous don't it? Look at the upper right hand corner of the photo!!!

It takes nerves of steel to look over the steep side of the mountain directly above the memorial carving. No fear Kaitlyn. This photo made her mother brake into a sweat.

Wish I could jump like this!!! We had a great time.

This is me and Kaitlyn at sunset. If you look real close you can see Atlanta just behind Kaitlyn's arm.

Love You All!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Impact Atlanta

Yesterday was really a great day. Whirlwind Missions in partnership with First Baptist Atlanta sponsored the annual Impact Atlanta outreach event 2008. This is their seventh year. It gets better every year. Derrick Posten (pictured) and Tim Cummins where partner for this project. They did a terrific job!

Several teams moved out a ton of supplies which included food, evangelistic materials, art supplies, and big hearts ready to share Jesus.

My partner Tim Cummins and I visited several apartment communities to help with groups. We worked to get kids and adults headed to the fiestas!!

We really enjoy working with families. We especially like the children...they always seem to have such a great time!

This is my good friend Gregg. He is a staff member at FBA and a class mate of mine. His family has been one of our biggest supporters. We had 18 of 26 groups report that over 70 people accepted Christ.

Love You All!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Good to See Rain Today...Fields of Faith

I sure was glad to see rain today. It was the first time it had rained in several weeks and I am praising the Lord for it. It's been great to have the beautiful fall weather, but it sure don't do anything for drought relief.

Today I worked on administrative stuff and my new web site. I think I'm zoning in on completing the home page. If you would like to check it out you can go to

Tonight I attended the Fields of Faith event at Parkview High school This is a Fellowship of Christian Athletes sponsored event. It's good for missionaries like me to show up at these events to keep in touch with the community and to also meet people.

The student leadership were having fun with the people coming into the event. Sort of a take on on a Centrifuge entrance.One of the students from the Mountain FBC youth group gave his personal testimony. He did an outstanding job.The kids came out of the stands to hear a message from a former student and college athlete.

At the end many students accepted Christ. Its sometimes hard to believe that there can be this many lost people at a Christian event, but when people are made aware of their sinful nature don't surprise me.

I also had a conversation with my good friend Bill Gifford. He is the head of FCA in Gwinnett County. Its amazing how God works sometimes. I was discussing a point with Cornelia this morning that someone needed to come in and explore the possibility of starting a rec league soccer association in the Latino communities. As I was talking to Bill one of his partners came up and overheard our conversation. Turns out the he used to be a missionary to Brazil and he has a real passion for the trying to reach Latinos through soccer. Wow what a Jesus thing. I'm supposed to call Bill tomorrow and schedule a time to get together to talk about the possibilities. In the mean time I am going to do some exploratory work in advance of our meeting. Pray for a good result.

Love You All!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Day of Prayer!

Spent the biggest part of the morning in study of the Word and prayer. Seeking God's guidance for the future and provision of resources needed to run our ministry. God is good and faithful, and just and he knows what we need when we need it.I have been studying the book of Romans. It's one of my favorite Epistles in the New Testament. Verse 10: 11b says, "Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.' As defenders we must learn to abide in the word and rejoice in this fact...we will never be put to shame. In other words the things we do in the name of Jesus well only serve to honor God. Wow! That's good stuff

I worked the rest of the day on our new web site. Cornelia and I had originally decided not to do one, but we found a free website page that works for us so we are going-for-it. I will give you the web address as soon as we get it up and running.

Even though we are exclusively NAMB missionaries and work with our partner Tim Cummins of Whirlwind Missions...for identity sake we are calling it The Table Missions. The biblical base for the name comes for the parable of Jesus in the book of Luke Chapter 15:12-23...The Great Banquet.

Then Jesus said to his host, "When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." The Parable of the Great Banquet When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, "Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God." Jesus replied: "A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready.' "But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, 'I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it. Please excuse me.' "Another said, 'I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I'm on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.' "Still another said, 'I just got married, so I can't come.' "The servant came back and reported this to his master. Then the owner of the house became angry and ordered his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.' 'Sir,' the servant said, 'what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.' "Then the master told his servant, 'Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full. I tell you, not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.' "
Stay tuned for further information.
Love you all!

Monday, October 6, 2008

CIA part 2

Yesterday at VN our mission group was a no show. About thirty kids had came with their parents and were excited about the fiesta!!! But as time passed no one came and we began to wonder WHY? I had left my cell phone at home so I had no way of calling any to see why. We were all kind of sad. Sampson my dog was sad too.

So to pass the time we decided to play games with the kids (the parents bugged out and went back home). One of the kids had a wiffle ball kit left over from the summer program. He said you want me to go get it? I said yes go get it.
So we played unorganized baseball for a while and then some soccer. Cornelia decided to go back home to retrieve my cell phone and when she came back she told me the group was not coming. Bummer!!! No one was smiling...SOOO we decided to just hang out with our kids and be open to anything they wanted to do. Of course the older boys decided to play hardcore soccer while the younger kids wanted to take pictures with my camera. Here are some of the photos we took.Then all sat down on the ground and we told them about Jesus and how much he loves them. We talked for a good thirty minutes!! It was truly a blessing.

This is Carlos...he was the only one that was happy because he had survived a Bermuda bike ride (see the t-shirt). I doubt seriously that he has been anywhere near Bermuda in his life time.

We got the word from our partner Tim Cummins that we had to go to Huntington Ridge to another block party.

This made Kaitlyn happy because she wanted to drive on Jimmy Carter Blvd.

Her mom was not so happy. A little buttering up never hurts.

We left there met up with our other partners Tim and Kathy Palmer (Kathy is pictured on the right above).
We got there just in time to see a karate exhibition. Everybody was braking boards in the name of Jesus. Kidding aside, the kids really loved the board breaking. CIA TV even got in on the act.

At the end they had a terrific and blessed gospel presentation that was performed in English and Spanish. Followed by an invitation to accept Christ and a closing prayer.

It was a great day in the name of Jesus.

We love you all!