Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Good to See Rain Today...Fields of Faith

I sure was glad to see rain today. It was the first time it had rained in several weeks and I am praising the Lord for it. It's been great to have the beautiful fall weather, but it sure don't do anything for drought relief.

Today I worked on administrative stuff and my new web site. I think I'm zoning in on completing the home page. If you would like to check it out you can go to

Tonight I attended the Fields of Faith event at Parkview High school This is a Fellowship of Christian Athletes sponsored event. It's good for missionaries like me to show up at these events to keep in touch with the community and to also meet people.

The student leadership were having fun with the people coming into the event. Sort of a take on on a Centrifuge entrance.One of the students from the Mountain FBC youth group gave his personal testimony. He did an outstanding job.The kids came out of the stands to hear a message from a former student and college athlete.

At the end many students accepted Christ. Its sometimes hard to believe that there can be this many lost people at a Christian event, but when people are made aware of their sinful nature don't surprise me.

I also had a conversation with my good friend Bill Gifford. He is the head of FCA in Gwinnett County. Its amazing how God works sometimes. I was discussing a point with Cornelia this morning that someone needed to come in and explore the possibility of starting a rec league soccer association in the Latino communities. As I was talking to Bill one of his partners came up and overheard our conversation. Turns out the he used to be a missionary to Brazil and he has a real passion for the trying to reach Latinos through soccer. Wow what a Jesus thing. I'm supposed to call Bill tomorrow and schedule a time to get together to talk about the possibilities. In the mean time I am going to do some exploratory work in advance of our meeting. Pray for a good result.

Love You All!